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Maya is the daughter of Geri Lynn Liszcz and sister of Ty Barreto. She attended Holy Guardian Angels Regional School from pre-K through 8th Grade. At HGA, Maya was a member of the basketball team and HGA Gloria Singers, where she travelled to Carnegie Hall, and served as a kindergarten helper for several years. As a parishioner of Holy Guardian Angels Church, she has been an altar server since the third grade. Volunteer work has been woven into her life, through her work as a Vacation Bible School Leader and member of the HGA Youth Camp, with attendance to Steubenville twice. At Berks Catholic, Maya was a member of the Tennis Team during her sophomore and junior years and served as a Saints Ambassador since her freshman year. Her work life includes after-school and weekend employment at Fiore’s Chill-n-Grill. Maya’s goal is to study Nursing at a 4-year college and become a pediatric nurse at a children’s hospital that is located in a metropolitan city.

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